How to remove the button tabs

I am building my first app using Ionic, using the seed app, and I’m wondering how to remove the button tabs at the bottom.
I believe I still need the function of the tabs to go to different pages, but I would like to display links to those pages from the header instead and remove the bar at the bottom.

Speaking of that, to create a button in the header I have used this code:

$scope.right = [{
	type: 'button-clear',
	content: '<i class="icon ion-navicon"></i>',
	tap: function(e) {
		// change tab

How would I make it change tabs from that function?

Thanks very much for your help!

You don’t need that function at all in your controller, in the seed you use it because there is no a custom header so using the view controller you add a button to the header and then you get that.

But on your view you can put a button at the header (check documentation for header )with a link to the proper route like

<a class="button button-full button-positive" title="Hey" href="#/tab/pets">Hey hey</a>

check your app.js, there are the routes that use your app, the first declaration show the starting point

.state('tab', {
  url: "/tab",
  abstract: true,
  templateUrl: "templates/tabs.html"

// the pet tab has its own child nav-view and history
.state('', {
  url: '/pets',
  views: {
    'pets-tab': {
      templateUrl: 'templates/pet-index.html',
      controller: 'PetIndexCtrl'

As you can see the tag A HREF says : “#/tab/pets” in the previous code you can see the .state(‘tab’ with url: “/tab”, this is the starting point in the seed app , then there is .state(‘’ with url: ‘/pets’.

So in order to be able to got to PETS you need to put #/tab/pets , like the first example with the A html tag.

To remove the button tabs

you can create something like:

<nav-view name="menuContent"></nav-view>

And point your routes to menuContent , like

.state('', {
      url: '/pets',
      views: {
        'menuContent': {
          templateUrl: 'templates/pet-index.html',
          controller: 'PetIndexCtrl'

Check that the pets-tab is changed by menuContent