How to remove badge using: cordova-plugin-local-notifications

Hello, I have managed to add local notifications. Now i set badge to 1. using

but now when i open the app I want to clear this badge. How can i do this ?

Doc says:

badge Number The number currently set as the badge of the app icon in Springboard (iOS) or at the right-hand side of the local notification (Android)

  • Default: 0 (which means don’t show a number)

Can give me more detail please? I tried $cordovaLocalNotification.clear(id, {badge:0}) and $cordovaLocalNotification.update({id:2,badge:0}) but both seemed to do nothing.

I want to clear the badges when the user reassume the app or when they click on the item that they want to get notify on.

nvm, i am an idiot lolz. I used other plugin to clear it, it works well with the local notification.

this is the plugin I used.

I am setting the ‘badge’ property in scheduling the local notification to 0, as I want to remove the badge. However, nothing seems to be happening for me. How did you manage to remove it?

Did you solve it friend?