@el0zahaby You must convert from json string to a javascript object first:
export class MyPage {
public jsonObject: any;
private retrieveJson() {
let jsonData: string = this.myService.getJsonString();
this.jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonData);
and then:
<ion-item text-wrap *ngFor="let item of jsonObject" >
A better approach is convert to an object in the service itself. If you are doing an http request you can do something like:
public myServiceMethod(): Observable<MyObject> {
return this.http.get('[url]').map(
res => res.json() // Transform the JSON string in an object
private retrieveJson() {
jsonObject => this.jsonObject = jsonObject
Now that I’ve seen you updated code, I don’t know what your method httpProvider.getJsonData()
does, but I think that you should do what I explained above about the http call (converting the string to an object)