I use audio files in my app that I need to get as an buffer array. For this I let the user choose a file (using Ionic/Cordova FileChooser Plugin) and then I get an URL like:
After that, I sent this to Cordova Plugin File resolveNativePath
function and I get a Path Like:
file:///storage/emulated/0/Prueba interno/Interno, Teddybär, Dreh Dich Um__320kbps.mp3
Here I make my audioFileInfo
audioFileInfo = {name: "Interno, Teddybär, Dreh Dich Um__320kbps.mp3",
originalPath: "content://com.android.providers.media.documents/document/audio%3A8431",
path: "file:///storage/emulated/0/Prueba interno"}
and finally I call filePlugin.readAsArrayBuffer(audioFileInfo.path, audioFileInfo.name)
to get the buffer array.
It works ok when the file is in the device internal storage, but when the file comes from the SDCard it does not work because the readAsArrayBuffer
returns “not found”.
SD Card:
File Chooser URL
file:///sdcard/Música Dana/1 - Teddybär, Teddybär, Dreh Dich Um__320kbps.mp3
audioFileInfo = {
name :"1 - Teddybär, Teddybär, Dreh Dich Um__320kbps.mp3"
originalPath : "content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/document/3D91-1C14%3AM%C3%BAsica%20Dana%2F1%20-%20Teddyb%C3%A4r%2C%20Teddyb%C3%A4r%2C%20Dreh%20Dich%20Um__320kbps.mp3",
path : "file:///sdcard/Música Dana"
FileError {code: 1, message: "NOT_FOUND_ERR"}
I have tried FilePlugins’s resolveLocalFilesystemUrl()
and I get this Entry
filesystem: {
name: "content",
root: {
filesystem {
name: "content",
root: "...."
fullPath: "/",
isDirectory: true,
isFile: false,
name: "",
nativeURL: "content://",
fullPath: "/com.android.externalstorage.documents/document/3D91-1C14:Música Dana/1 - Teddybär, Teddybär, Dreh Dich Um__320kbps.mp3",
isDirectory: false,
isFile: true,
name: "1 - Teddybär, Teddybär, Dreh Dich Um__320kbps.mp3",
nativeURL: "content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/document/3D91-1C14%3AM%C3%BAsica%20Dana%2F1%20-%20Teddyb%C3%A4r%2C%20Teddyb%C3%A4r%2C%20Dreh%20Dich%20Um__320kbps.mp3",
Bue I have no idea what to use as path
in the first parameter of the readAsArrayBuffer
If I use fullPath
and name
it throws encoding error.
If I get just the “path” without the name from fullPath
, it also throws encoding error.
Does anybody had a similar experience?