i have used his code but it only displays the logo not the title. How to get both together?
<ion-view view-title="All Tips" hide-back-button="true">
<img class="title-image" src="img/dsdlogo.png">
i have used his code but it only displays the logo not the title. How to get both together?
<ion-view view-title="All Tips" hide-back-button="true">
<img class="title-image" src="img/dsdlogo.png">
try this code
<ion-view view-title="<img class='title-image' src='img/dsdlogo.png'><div>this is title</div>" hide-back-button="true">
same result is there
only image displays not title
read this: http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/directive/ionNavTitle/
<img src="logo.svg">
Some super content here!
With this only logo is coming
Change @chnbohwr’s div to a span or put it in the ion-nav-title as a span:
<img src='https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/256302/ionic-logo-white.png' height='44'><span>this is the title</span>
It doesn’t work if you have a title in your view.
Have a look at this plunker.
Because the view-title
overrides the ion-nav-title
. If you wanted the logo on that particular view you would put it in ion-nav-title
under the ion-view
<img src='https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/256302/ionic-logo-white.png' height='44'><span>home</span>
If you want the logo on every page you could put it in the ion-nav-buttons
or just put an ion-nav-title
on every page, but I don’t think there’s an official way to keep the logo in the title and change the text on each view.
<ion-view title="mytitle">
<ion-nav-bar class="bar-positive ">
<ion-nav-buttons side="left">
<img class='title-image' src='img/logo.png' >
<ion-nav-buttons side="right">
<button class="button button-icon button-clear ion-ios-gear-outline">