How to position this button on the right side?

Hey guys;) I hope you can help me with this problem. Since yesterday I’ve been trying to position this green button on the right side. And things like margin don’t work:(


  <ion-toolbar color="rank">
    <ion-searchbar (input)="getItems($event)"></ion-searchbar>




    <ion-avatar item-start>
      <img src="img/fri.jpg">
    <h3>Iceland, Reykjavik </h3>

 <button ion-button color="rank" round>Add</button>


    <ion-avatar item-start>
      <img src="img/hot.jpg">
    <h3>Iceland, Reykjavik </h3>


    <ion-avatar item-start>
      <img src="img/top.jpg">
    <h3>Iceland, Reykjavik </h3>


    <ion-avatar item-start>
      <img src="img/loc.jpg">
    <h3>Iceland, Reykjavik </h3>


    <ion-avatar item-start>
      <img src="img/top.jpg">
    <h3>Iceland, Reykjavik </h3>


    <ion-avatar item-start>
      <img src="img/fri.jpg">
    <h3>Iceland, Reykjavik </h3>





try item-end attribute to button

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it worked thx a lot:)

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any way if you find the solution then mark answer as solution so other
people can find easily solution related to it

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