How to play recorded video on ionic app

please can any one help me out with this that how can I play recorded video on ionic 3 app
i want to build a app that will capture a image and record video/audio and give option of preview in app but i am failed to give preview of video in ionic 3 application
my code is

takeVideo() {

let options: CaptureVideoOptions = { limit: 1 };


  .then((data: MediaFile[]) => {

    let videoData = JSON.stringify(data);

 let res1 = JSON.parse(videoData);

 this.videoURL = res1[0]['fullPath'];

 let video = this.myVideo.nativeElement;

 video.src =  this.videoURL;;
  (err: CaptureError) => {


<video #myvideo controls=“controls” width=“100” height=“100” class=“videoPlayer”>