The scenario was download documents and save to dataDirectory.
After that, the user will be able to view it on the app.
I was trying to use InAppBrowser but only gives me a blank screen
Below is my current code.
openSource(url : string) {
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
new InAppBrowser(url, "_blank", 'location=yes,clearcache=no,toolbar=no,closebuttoncaption=Close,hardwareback=no');
I also tried to use “_system”, it let me choose what application to use to open the file but after that, it says “Cannot read/open file” .
I tried to test other file types like png and jpg using the above code to check if it does really save on the path I have provided and works fine.I was able to view the image.
I also tried to open a document that gets the file from the internet and it just give me blank view. I guess my code doesn’t really work for documents like Pdf.
Could anyone help me, how can I open/view documents I save on dataDirectory.
Thank you so much guys.
Try file opener plugin. But it requires the device to have pdf viewer installed.
Helo, yes I have tried this as well. However, I keep on getting a response error that plugin is not installed even though I have a pdf viewer on my device.
See Below Code for reference.
openSource(url : string,filenamme) {
var ext = filenamme.substr(filenamme.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
var mime = this.appctr.getFileMIME('.'+ext);
this.platform.ready().then(() => {,mime.mim).then((sucesss)=> {
//code for getting file mime type
for(let i of this.Mimeobject()){
if( === ext){
return i;
//test mimeobject
var mime = [];
{'id':'.3dm', 'mim': 'x-world/x-3dmf'},
{'id':'.pdf', 'mim': 'application/pdf'},
{'id':'.doc', 'mim': 'application/msword'},
{'id':'.png', 'mim': 'image/png'},
return mime;
My updates on PDF viewer.
Though I haven’t solved to make file opener plugin to work on my current project. I just tried to use the ng2-pdf-viewer instead, and bwalaahhh is a success.
However, my goal is to open different document file whether pdf, xls, docx, png etc.
Looking for an available plugin for this, or will still try to make file opener plugin working? (But I am stuck )
Anyone who have a solution, I would really love to know.
Would appreciate it much.
Thank you in advance guys.