How to open device setting for notification permission in capacitor/ionic app?

If the user denied device notification permission using capacitor push notification plugin. But on next launch it doesn’t prompt for allow or don’t allow. so How can we reach out to setting when the permission is not granted.

Push notification plugin

Thank you all in advance.

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You can use this Plugin :blush:

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This is excellent. Worked fine and found a lot of other settings access which is very helpful. thanks :relaxed:

Hey, great to hear it worked for you.
Im having the same issue, what Setting from the Plugin exactly did you use ?

This is the exact plugin for native settings access.

ts file

import { AndroidSettings, IOSSettings, NativeSettings } from 'capacitor-native-settings';

  openSetting() {
        if ('ios')) {
        await NativeSettings.openIOS({
          option: IOSSettings.App,
      } else {
          await NativeSettings.openAndroid({
          option: AndroidSettings.ApplicationDetails,

package version

    "capacitor-native-settings": "^0.2.1",
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Why does NativeSettings.openIOS({ option: IOSSettings.App }); take me to the main Settings of the device instead of to the settings for the application?

I want to take the user to the area where they can change the permissions for the application.

Ionic 7, Capacitor 5, Angular 15

Hey, did you find a solution? I have the same issue.

No. I am still using the same.

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