How to make text selectable?

I add an attribute “data-tap-disabled=true” ,but I find it can’t scrolling,Has a solution for this?thanks

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Hi plesae try this, It does modify the ionic.js but I havnt faced any side-effects, hope this helps.

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I couldn’t get the suggested solutions working without changing Ionic source, which I didn’t want to do. After quite a while, I have a solution that doesn’t require changing the Ionic source. It works for a long-press of a word.

I’m using Blast.js in a directive to wrap each word in a span tag like this:

    link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
        $timeout(function() {
            element.blast({delimiter: "word", aria: false});

        element.on('hold', 'span.blast', (event) => ctrl.handleHoldEvent(event));
        ctrl.parentElement = element;
handleHoldEvent(event) {
	selectText(element) {
    	this.selectedElement = angular.element(element);
        this.selectedText = _.trim( this.selectedElement.text(), '`~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|;:"“”‘’,\\./<>?—' );
	deselectText() {
		this.selectedText = '';
		this.selectedElement = null;
	$onDestroy() {'hold', 'span.blast', (event) => this.handleHoldEvent(event));

The main drawbacks of this are having a span for each word, and each span is another DOM element with event listeners. However, there is only 1 event handler using delegated events (see jQuery .on() docs). I’ve tried it on a few phones and don’t see any problems (for about a 1,000 word paragraph), but this hasn’t been through QA yet.

If anyone has ideas to improve this, let me know! I can try to put together a codepen when I get a chance.

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Working, copy texts of app

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I got it working without modifying ionic.js.

The trick is to replace text you want to be able to select with input field with attribute readonly. Ionic doesn’t prevent click/touch events from input fields so you don’t have to modify ionic.js. However, you’ll need to set user-select:text to enable text selection. The rest of CSS is just trying to make input field look like regular text.


<p selectable-text>You'll be able to copy the text of this awesome paragraph.</p>


directive("selectableText", function() {
return {
  restrict: "A",
  template: function(element) {
    return '<input type="text" readonly value="'+element[0].textContent+'">';



.scroll {
  -webkit-user-select: text;
  user-select: text;

*[selectable-text] input {
  cursor:text !important;
  background:inherit !important;
  /* etc. You should style it as you want so that it looks natural, not like an input field. */
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This solution only works in Android if the text is not an html. @davor_leric

it works beautifully on my android app.

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