How to make a vertical list of buttons in ion-footer-bar?

I managed to make a footer containing some inlined buttons with this code:

        <div class="button-bar">
            <button class="button button-positive">
            <button class="button button-positive">

However, I don’t want them inline, I want them one below the other.

I try this:

            <button class="button button-block button-positive">
            <button class="button button-block button-positive">

But the major part of the buttons is hidden, below the screen…
I had to deal with margin-bottom: 70px to let them appear…ugly

My ion-content declaration is: <ion-content class="has-footer">

How to fix this?

Thanks a lot

ever get any help on this one? i’m looking for something similar!

Looking for the same solution. Anyone?