How to load json from asset directory in new version of angular

the common answer below isn’t working.
Whatever works don’t work in the apk .
I keep getting below errors with different configurations (loading file to loading using http)

  • errors from CORS
  • ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property ‘subscribe’ of undefined
  • Could not read response

old answer

this.http.get(link).map(res => res.json()).subscribe((data) => {
			console.log(data, "data");
		err => {
			console.log(err, "err");

loading from file

this.file.readAsText(this.url, endpoint).then((data) => {

      let myObservable = Observable.create(observer => {;
    }).catch(err => console.log(err));
return myObservable;

and the regular loading using http

observable = this.http.get("/android_asset/www/assets/mocks/file.json", reqOpts);
observable = this.http.get("/assets/mocks/file.json", reqOpts);

nothing works on device

Not sure, but there seems an RXJS version issue under the hood

This one works for me, and should be preferred over all the others.

If your json file is in the assets folder, as in the example above, then it is sitting on your server and not on some website outside of your server - i.e. you have access to the json file. In that case, you do not need to make an http request at all, just add

    "resolveJsonModule": true,

to your tsconfig.json and in your code use

import * as Config from './config.json';

(if your json file is named config.json and it is sitting in the same folder as the code that uses it, otherwise, use a relative path to the json file within your project). You can then refer to the json object as a regular javascript object assigned to the variable Config.