How To integrate MQTT in ionic 4 project

Hi All,
how to integrate MQTT in ionic 4 project
i have tried but failed
it is showing
ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): ReferenceError: global is not defined
i have tried
to fixed this but failed again
please help

thanks in advance

Did you successfully implement this?

Yeah, I have managed that through Web socket


Could you share with us your solution? or you wanna sell it? contact us

sorry for late reply
install mqtt from here

in your page.ts

import { ConnectionStatus, MqttService, SubscriptionGrant } from '../../ngx-mqtt-client'; // i have copied this folder to app folder

constructor(private mqttService: MqttService,){}

connectMQTT() {
    this.mqttService.status().subscribe((s: ConnectionStatus) => {
      const status = s === ConnectionStatus.CONNECTED ? 'CONNECTED' : 'DISCONNECTED';
      this.status.push(`Mqtt client connection status: ${status}`);
      console.log(`Mqtt client connection status: ${status}`);