How to insert an animation gif in ionic 2 as splashscreen


Just want to ask …do u have any idea on inserting a gif animation which runs like a splash screen when user launching the application.
After the animation ended. It will leads to login page.
I watch Using the Web Animations API in Ionic 2…

I dun wan a button but instead a short gif(15sec) after done, will link to login page…
Hereby I attached the similar youtube link.

Create a Running Man Game Animation on Android

Is it any possibility can do it in ionic 2…?
PLease help…urgent…

Thanks and very best regards.

Do you tryed to just pass the gif to the src of the splashscreen?
I don’t know if thats working but shoudn’t it work similiar to a normal image? I just used a gif on an image-tag and its just working out of the box with passing the gif as src of the image.

Hi MarvinS…i have tried but is not working.
Can you send me the code to have a look.(
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hope you help.

I wasn’t in need to use a gif until now but i searched a bit and I found that gif is not supported from the cordova splashscreen plugin. If found an alternative to this splashscreen but it cost a bit more effort than just giving the cli an png file or any other supportet file and let it do the rest.

You could look at this Block Post.

I got not the time to test it but it seems like this could be a good alternative.

With best regards Marvin

o…i saw this video when i’m doing the research that time…

i tried it…but is not working in ionic 2…
Anyhow, i just change the splashscreen screen.png for now…

Thanks for the information…^^

Best Regards and Many thanks,