How to hide text ion-option ionic2

How to hide text ion-option . I want to hide or delete some text to show in ion-option. (not delete data) because I want to save for user choose it

<ion-select [(ngModel)]="refine" (ionChange)="optionsFn(item, i);" >
        <ion-option [value]="item"  *ngFor="let item of totalfilter ;let i = index" >


this.totalfilter = data.json().FACETLIST.FACET;
          for(let x of this.totalfilter) {
            if(x["@NAME"] == 'local3' || x["@NAME"] == 'Local3') {
              x["@NAME"].hide(); //// this error i have no idea to hide this text


I want

my ion-option show           I want ion-option show
==================           ======================
book                         book
pen                          pen
school                       school

Maybe in your html template with ngIf :

    <ion-select [(ngModel)]="refine" (ionChange)="optionsFn(item, i);" >
    <ion-option [value]="item"  *ngFor="let item of totalfilter ;let i = index" >
      <div *ngIf="! item =='local3'">  {{item["@NAME"]}}</div>

I would prefer <template> over creating that <div>. Extraneous elements often confuse Ionic’s CSS selectors.