How to get ion-select text

I am trying to get the ion-select option’s text. Here is my object structure
“data”: [
“id”: “203”,
“bench”: “abc”
“id”: “205”,
“bench”: “def”
“id”: “207”,
“bench”: “ghi”
here is my HTML

<ion-select name="bench" formControlName="bench">
                    <ion-option *ngFor="let b of benchList" value="{{}}">{{b.bench}}</ion-option>

how could i get the ‘b.bench’ . I need both id and bench. I got the id by using value attribute but i can’t find a way to get bench value. Please help me with this problem. Thanks.

try index of list and return that with value attribute and access your data with that index.

you should use property binding (data binding from component to view) to get the value

[value] = ''

Then, use event binding method ionChange in your template

<ion-select ionChange=change(b)>
` <ion-option *ngFor="let b of benchList" [value]="" >{{b.bench}}</ion-option>`

in your component, define

let bench: any = data;

please check if it works.


Generally I prefer this style as well, but in this case it doesn’t matter. When all you’re dealing with is strings, [value]="foo" and value="{{foo}}" are equivalent.

It doesn’t. b isn’t in scope when you’re trying to use it, so it will always be undefined.

<ion-option *ngFor="let b of benchList" [value]="b">{{b.bench}}</ion-option>

Now your control’s value will be the bench object, containing both id and name.


Well pointed out.


Hello, @sumitk91, did you solve this issue? If so please help me.

Yes this has been resolved. All you have to do is

<ion-option *ngFor="let b of benchList"  value="b">{{b.bench}}</ion-option>

you can use ion-select as a form and on the change event pass the the form control data in value and get the data by using

let bench: any = this.formName.controls.formControlName.value;
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Hello @sumitk91, thanks for the reply, tried your mentioned way, but getting value instead of selected text.

@Ramsk can you post a snippet of the array you are binding in ion-select?

Add a variable for the index if you ngFor. If you were to use console.log(benchList[index].bench, that should give you want you want.

suppose you are binding b = { ‘id’: 1, ‘name’: ‘test’}

<ion-option *ngFor="let b of benchList"  value="">{{}}</ion-option>

you can now access the value by

let bench: any = this.formName.controls.formControlName.value;

code at .html file

<form [formGroup]="AddDonation" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
        <ion-label floating >Select Donor</ion-label>
        <ion-select  formControlName="DonorID"  (ionChange)="onChange()">
          <ion-option *ngFor="let Donor of Donors;"  value="{{Donor.Id}}" >{{Donor.FirstName}} </ion-option>

code at .ts file

let DonorName: any = this.AddDonation.controls.formControlName.value;
when I tried this I got nothing, So I changed formControlName to DonorID like below

let DonorName: any = this.AddDonation.controls.DonorID.value;
this time I got DonorD value, but I need DonorName in the text format.

In that case use

 <ion-option *ngFor="let Donor of Donors;"  value="{{Donor.FirstName}}" >{{Donor.FirstName}} </ion-option>

pass firstName as value
