How to get a specific data from array and display in HTML

Hello guys,

How can I get a specific data object from data array and use it in HTML?

name: "object01",
description: "this is item 01",
id: "1"
name: "object02",
description: "this is item 02",
id: "2"
name: "object03",
description: "this is item 03",
id: "3"

name: "object04",
description: "this is item 04",
id: "4"

For example, I want to get id number of fourth item and use it in html.

<h4>{{ }}</h4>

or just want to get description of fourth item.

How can I do this without using *ngFor directive?


Withuot ngFor you need to save the data as object

  object01: {
    name: "object01",
    description: "this is item 01",
    id: "1"
  object02: {
    name: "object02",
    description: "this is item 02",
    id: "2"
  object03: {
    name: "object03",
    description: "this is item 03",
    id: "3"
  object04: {
    name: "object04",
    description: "this is item 04",
    id: "4"
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if your array has a name like “myArray”, then you could bind your template to myArray[3].id (3 here as index of array starts with 0). But that is if you not using ngFor directive.

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Thanks but that didn’t work… I’m using data array in this way:

    "items": [
      "name": "item 01",
       "description": "this is item 01",
      "id": "1"

      "name": "item 02",
       "description": "this is item 02",
      "id": "2"

      "name": "item 03",
       "description": "this is item 03",
      "id": "3"


I can’t add below type of data object inside the array…

  object03: {
    name: "object03",
    description: "this is item 03",
    id: "3"
  object04: {
    name: "object04",
    description: "this is item 04",
    id: "4"

Any other advice would be appreciated…

Again you doing the same mistake don’t use as array use as object
And in your html ngFor you need to use pipe

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

  name: 'keys',
export class KeysPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value, args:string[]) : any {
    return Object.keys(value);


<div *ngFor="let key of items | keys">
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