Hey all. Im kinda new to ionic but i chose to learn on the go by diving into creating my first app. All was well until i got stuck at creating a favorites page.
I basically want to add items to a favorites page when a favorite button is clicked on an item from a list populated by a local json file in another page.
Here’s my html
<ion-list can-swipe="true">
<ion-item ng-repeat="institution in institutions | filter:school | filter:query" href="#/app/playlists/{{institutions.indexOf(institution)}}" >
<img class="itemizer" ng-src="{{institution.avatar}}">
<div class="abbrItem">{{institution.abbr}}</div>
<p>{{institution.name | uppercase}}</p>
<div class="locationItem">{{institution.location}}</div>
<ion-option-button class="ion-ios-star" ng-click="addFavorite(institution)">
here’s my controller
.controller('HomeCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$ionicScrollDelegate','$stateParams',
function($scope, $http, $ionicScrollDelegate,$stateParams)
var urlJson = "json/institution.json";
$scope.institutions= data;
$scope.scrollTop = function() {
i honestly dont know how to go about my addFavorite() function…
I have read about local storage and ng-storage but i cant wrap my head around the logic of it all.
im a graphic designer first and an aspiring programmer second. Any help i can get with be greatly appreciated.