.controller('HomeCtrl', function($scope, $http, $stateParams, $cordovaGeolocation ){
var toRadians = function (num) {
return num * Math.PI / 180;
$scope.enviar = function() {
var lat1=5.231805;
var lng1=-75.786768;
var distance=1;
.then(function (response) {$scope.categoria = response.data.records,$scope.lat=response.data.records.lat,$scope.lng=response.data.records.lng; })
**var lat="$scope.lat";//Here i need the value of lat in Json**
**var lng="$scope.lng";//Here i need the value of lng in Json**
$scope.distancia=(6371*Math.acos( Math.sin(toRadians(lat))
* Math.sin(toRadians(lat1))
+ Math.cos(toRadians(lng -lng1))
* Math.cos(toRadians(lat))
* Math.cos(toRadians(lat1))
I need to put as value of the variables lat and lng the arrays I bring from mysql by means of php
Please, put your code inside a code box (like this)
angular.module('helloWorld').controller('hello', function() {
function greetings() {
And write you question with details. Thanks
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Okey. I see few errors in your code. First of all, I strongly recommend you to check Angular’s $http service docs.
In second place, check this code:
function (response) {
$scope.categoria = response.data.records;
$scope.lat = response.data.records.lat;
$scope.lng = response.data.records.lng;
Notice that I’m creating a different $scope.var
for every variable that I want to store into the $scope. Now we have lat and lng stored into the $scope, so we can access to their values whenever we want.
So, here we can use the following code:
var lat = $scope.lat;
var lng = $scope.lng;
$scope.distancia=(6371*Math.acos( Math.sin(toRadians(lat))
* Math.sin(toRadians(lat1))
+ Math.cos(toRadians(lng -lng1))
* Math.cos(toRadians(lat))
* Math.cos(toRadians(lat1))
And voilá!
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If you can print lat
and lng
after assign them, the $scope are OK. So must be a problem with the values. Maybe JavaScript is not using lat1=5.231805;
and lng1=-75.786768;
as float.
NaN means “Not a Number”, so it means Math class cannot work.
Try casting the float values as parseFloat(var)
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Can you post the value of response.data
Maybe it need more casting… I haven’t work with PHP and JSON since 2 years ago (at least) but I remember there was few issues with it.