How to debug Sqlite?

hi, Guys.

Somebody know about how to debug SQlite in Android tablet?. how I can know values stored in SQlite db into tablet or phone for debuging?

Lot of thanks for yours answers :stuck_out_tongue:

Not possible. Create a custom controller/view and use it to get all the values in the sqlite db.

if you have an rooted android device or a device with root access you can use some tools to achieve this:

Ok, thanks for your answer

It works, perfect, thanks :smiley:

When developing an App with SQLite plugin, you can also make it working under Ionic Serve under Chrome, so you can have a instant look at your database when running the App directly in your developing environment without having to install anything in your device.

Have a look at this app, that comes with a 37 PDF manual also illustrating how to run the SQLlite plugin under Chrome.

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