I want to make a capacitor browser (formerly inappbrowser) without header bar.
Don’t see it in the api.
How to do it?
I want to make a capacitor browser (formerly inappbrowser) without header bar.
Don’t see it in the api.
How to do it?
https://capacitor.ionicframework.com/docs/apis/browser/ - my bad
Is this not the documentation for it, I might be wrong?..
What is your question exactly, are you looking for a headless browser driver?
Or is it just to remove the header with url?
it shows the url navigation. in the inappbrowser there was possibility to hide this.
openWebpage(url: string) {
const options: InAppBrowserOptions = {
zoom: 'no',
location: 'no',
toolbar: 'no'
const browser = this.inAppBrowser.create('http://sco7.com/filemanager/sapphire/','_self','toolbar=no');
I do believe it’s possible, i found a article about a customization of the InAppBrowserOptions
10x, I will try.
But it is not inappbrowser in cordova.
Its Browser of capaciator.
I will try first thing when I will start testing tommorow.
Cool, there is a few other options to try out as well
zoom: 'no',
fullscreen: "yes",
hidenavigationbuttons: "no",
hideurlbar: 'yes'
Have you seen the link:
The api there does not have these options.
So that’s why I asked the question
I changed it to the right https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/in-app-browser
But I use capacitor, without cordova.
I need capacitor solution.
Well is it for Android or iOS, because SFSafariViewController doesn’t let you remove the native controls - such as navigation, and the done button?
Hi: Android only. ios isn’t my target right at all
So you can’t just edit interface options or modify the AndroidManifest.xml?
How to do that? is there a guide to that? It should be listed in the capacitor browser page.
You might be right, as you wrote youself…
It’s not listed in the docs for “Capacitor Browser API” - it seems odd.
But the only way to change those settings is by using cordova InAppBrowser
To who to notify this?