please someone tell me how to zooming image (pinch) with ionic 2 …
I not found the tutorial on offical docs. I was try slides with zoom attribute and scroll tag but not working
I am also trying the same but it’s not working
<ion-slides (ionSlideWillChange)="slideChanged()" speed="100" zoom >
<ion-slide *ngFor="let image of imageArray">
<img [src]="image"> //rending from a blob SafeURL
As given in document I tries using zoom input but it’s not working.
Also tried ion-scroll but no help as asked by OP of thread.
Any input would be helpful. Thanks.
I am on latest ionic 3.4.x and Angular 4.0.0
If you’re on ionic 3.4 you have some sort of magic version zoom functionality is somewhat supported, but doesn’t work properly yet as far as I know.
That’s what my package.json says: @ionic-native-core: 3.4.2
No zoom is sort of bummer. I am creating gallery kind of application and it’s really needed
ionic-angular is your version of the framework. Ionic-native is for the plugins (native functionality). Feel free to make a nice zooming functionality, please share it with us when you’re ready
Any Solution on this?