Hi, I am using a Cordova Plugin ImagePicker to open up the gallery menu for the user to select an Image to upload to a back-end. I am successfully able to select images and get the URI but is having problems converting it into a Blob or File that is required by most back-ends today. Can anyone help me get in the right direction? Thanks.
you can use the polyfill fetch
to get it…
return fetch("IMAGE_URI).then(function (_data) {
return _data.blob()
}).then(function (_blob) {
// got a blob
or you can use this approach…
Thanks for your reply, I was able to create my own blob file an hour after asking this question. Regardless, thanks for your suggestion!
How’d you do it, If you don’t mind me asking.
how did you solved it?
I’ve spent some hours trying to do it, and I feel I’m running in circles with blob, File, plugins, etc.
Your answer would be very helpful
Hey, Sorry for the late reply. Do you need it using Image picker? Because I used Camera
This thread should help.
a dumb question, does this allow multiple images upload at once in an array [] ?
I was using Image Picker, so I changed to Camera plugin, and instead of a file URI I have a base64, which I convert to blob and upload to firebase storage.
I think you can do that using a for/map.
@michael_amaral Though I’m trying from a local base64 images array, then putString method, I made progress thanks to your suggestion with a simple “for” loop. I’ll keep you posted of my progress because this can interest a bunch of people.
for(let photo of this.photos) {
// use storageRef then putString
@michael_amaral Alright, finally succeeded with an old-school Javascript loop
for (var i=0; i<this.images.length; i++) {
let storageRef = firebase.storage().ref(this.images[i].image_urlStructure);
storageRef.putString(this.images[i].image_dataUrlString,'data_url',{contentType: 'image/jpg'})
can you provide me to full code example it means lot