How to convert base64 to image

I have a base64 string. how to convert base64 to image?
please help me out anyone.

if you want to display image using base 64 string then you can directly give it to src attribute of image and it will display in your app

//ts code
this.converted_image= "data:image/jpeg;base64,"+this.base64Data;

//html code
<img  [src]="converted_image" alt="Select Image"/>
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This is my html

<div *ngFor="let img of mydata">
              <img [src]="img[0].image1'"/>        
below my response 


please help me out how can i show

<img [src]=“img.image1’”/>

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Below my .ts file

      let dataTemp = res.json(); //dataTemp is the json object you showed me
      this.mydata = dataTemp.GetAds; //contains a [] object with all yours user

Steps are correct… l’ll change in html code…

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I’m put <img [src]="img.image1”/> this line but showing nothing

here is the console out put

copy this base64 string and try to generate output in this site

i want to show base64 image into my app how can i do that?

can you give your console base64 image ?

Select Image

inspect element showing like this

please execute these code in ts and reply the output which is displayed in console.
      let dataTemp = res.json(); //dataTemp is the json object you showed me
      this.mydata = dataTemp.GetAds; //contains a [] object with all yours user


getting the output from console like this

i’m testing there my base64 string working file there but am not able to shoe the base64 string to image in app

Please go through these…

//html code
<img style=“height:120px; width:110px” [src]=“domSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustUrl(img.image1)” alt=“Select Image”/>

//ts code
import {DomSanitizer} from “@angular/platform-browser”;
constructor(private domSanitizer: DomSanitizer) {}

nothing happened
showing only alter text Select Image