I have just been porting my app from Ionic 3 to Ionic 4.
I have a side menu, with a list of ion-items, and if selected would navigate to a new view. When the menu is shown, I shade the background slightly.
I have the following markup in my app.component.html
<ion-menu-toggle auto-hide="false">
<ion-item *ngFor="let p of availablePages"
button=true lines='none' [routerLink]="[p.pageRoutePath]"
[style.background]= "p.isCurrentPage ? '#F4F4F4' : ''"> /* < this line did the shading */
<ion-avatar slot='start'>
<img class='menu-icon' src='{{p.menuImage}}'>
In Ionic 3, the following line took care of this shadingâŚ
[style.background]= "p.isCurrentPage ? '#F4F4F4' : ''">
But this no longer works.
When I look at the app in dev tools, I found the following element which will show the background (I have manually set it to pink
in the dev tool while searching for which element to colorâŚ
Does anyone know how I can do this similar to how I did it before, ie conditionally set the background depending on a property value?
Thanks in advance for any help!