How to close a sliding item in ionic 4?

#3 template

<ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let item of collection.items; let i = index">
                {{ }}
        <ion-note slot="end" *ngFor="let myitem of item.myitems">
            <span>{{ myitem.quantity }}</span>
    <ion-item-options side="end">
        <ion-item-option (click)="addItem(,">
            <ion-icon slot="icon-only" name="add"></ion-icon>

ts file

import { IonItemSliding } from '@ionic/angular';

addItem(slidingItem: IonItemSliding, collectionID: any, itemId: any) {

Results in ERROR TypeError: slidingItem.closeOpened is not a function

But the docs say otherwise:

So am I doing something wrong?

Yeah, unfortunately Ionic 4 docs aren’t up to the same standard as previous versions - yet (I hope will improve)

Pretty sure you’re going to need an @ViewCild to interact with the component…

PS: @ViewChild has been updated in Angular and now needs a second paramenter …

That worked, thank you. I copied the example on the page and modified:

@ViewChild(IonItemSliding) slidingItem: IonItemSliding;

However, I’m receiving an error: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1; An argument for 'opts' was not provided. Do you know why?

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Yeah, you missed what I said above…

PS: @ViewChild has been updated in Angular and now needs a second paramenter …

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Yes I did. Thank you.

Thank you! this worked for me