How to change StatusBar text color not background

I want to change the statusbar text color not just the background. When I use statusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#f7f7f7"); the status bar background is changed successfully however the font is soo light that I can barely see it, how do I control the exact font color of the status bar text in Ionic 2 or 3?

There are numerous questions on this but the answers say you should just use the statusBar.backgroundColorByHexString();. However they dont solve the issue of changing just the text color not the background… any ideas?

Hey! did you find a solution?

$toolbar-md-title-text-color: white;

Add this line in your Theme->variables.scss

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problem solved :smile:

Hi! Do you find a solution, I have the same problem… I have a white status bar but the font color text stay white so I can’t even see the status bar! How can we get a white status bar with black font text…

in myapp class constructor

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For light backgrounds,

platform.ready().then(() => {
// let status bar overlay webview
// set status bar to white

For dark backgrounds
platform.ready().then(() => {
// let status bar overlay webview
// set status bar to black


Hi, I’m trying your example for light backgrounds, this is working fine on android but on IOS the background and the text is white. Any help will be appreciated.