Basically I want to animate my ion-cards sequentially, top-to-bottom style, since they are in a list. Right now my cards animate at the same time.
I get my data from my API, code looks like this:
datalength: number;
public information: any;
ionViewDidLoad() {
.subscribe((data) => {
this.information = data.announcements;
this.datalength = data.announcements.length;
this is how my html looks like:
<ion-item class="getend">
<ion-card [@flipInX]="flipInX" class="list" *ngFor="let item of information | slice:0:slice; let i=index" text-wrap>
<ion-card-header text-wrap>
<ion-card-content style="margin-top: -20px; margin-bottom: -25px;">
Date posted: {{}}
<button ion-button clear end style="float: right;" (click)="showDetails(item.title,, item.content)">View</button>
What can I do to animate them, one card after the other?