How to align buttons in toolbar to left or right?

I’ve got the following footer with two buttons:

    <button ion-button color="royal">
      {{ 'ok' | translate }}
    <button ion-button color="light">
      {{ 'cancel' | translate }}

Both buttons are currently aligned to right. How can I move both of them to the left of toolbar?

Use ion-buttons, and I think best style is to use “start” and “end” instead of left or right, because that automatically puts the buttons where you want depending on whether your language reads left-to-right or right-to-left.

I tried the following and it didn’t work:

    <ion-buttons end>
      <button ion-button color="royal">
        {{ 'ok' | translate }}
      <button ion-button color="light">
        {{ 'cancel' | translate }}

After wrapping buttons with <ion-buttons>, things get messy. Now only “Ok” button is shown without having any style and color.

I wonder if there is any documentation for <ion-buttons>? I searched and failed to find any.

That might be an issue with the length of your toolbar. I’ve only put icon buttons in a toolbar, so I don’t have experience with something as long as “cancel.” Are you sure a toolbar is what you want?


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Based on the toolbar documentation, footer should contain a toolbar:


That’s why I have a toolbar. And that toolbar seems to be the culprit here! After removing the toolbar:

  <ion-buttons end>
    <button ion-button color="light">
      {{ 'cancel' | translate }}
    <button ion-button color="royal">
      {{ 'ok' | translate }}

Everything works as expected! So I guess there is something wrong with the documentation and it should be fixed.

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I still wonder why <ion-toolbar> cannot be used inside <ion-footer> while the documentation clearly states it’s allowed. Even <ion-navbar> is always placed inside <ion-header> without any problem. Should we consider this a bug? Has anybody ever successfully used <ion-buttons> inside <ion-toolbar>?

I found the same problem has been discussed here: Ion-footer with ion-toolbar and ion-buttons not styled correctly

Try this working demo :

    <ion-buttons start>
      <button ion-button icon-only color="royal">
    <ion-buttons end>
      <button ion-button icon-only color="royal">
  • <ion-buttons left>
  •   <button ion-button icon-only color="royal">
  •       cancel
  •   </button>
  • </ion-buttons>
  • <ion-buttons end>
  •   <button ion-button icon-only color="royal">
  •     ok
  •   </button>
  • </ion-buttons>
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worked for me. Thanks