How to add swipes in Ionic 1.3 and make two horizontal scrollable cards?

I have made swipes currently like this, which does not work. I am using the tabs template.

<ion-content class="padding" on-swipe-left="goBack()" on-swipe-right="goForward()">

.controller('SwipeCtrl', function ($scope, $ionicTabsDelegate) {

    $scope.goForward = function () {
        var selected = $ionicTabsDelegate.selectedIndex();
        if (selected != -1) {
            $ + 1);

    $scope.goBack = function () {
        var selected = $ionicTabsDelegate.selectedIndex();
        if (selected != -1 && selected != 0) {
            $ - 1);

My other question is, how can I make 2 cards in same tab with horizontal scroll, like this When you swipe the card from right visible, the left card moves partly hidden to the left. I tried this by modifying this example but it did not work at all.