Hi I’m new to Ionic and plan on using the new Ionic React. I am building a dating app that uses location tracking and maps to help people to meet each other. This app must run on ios and android.
I wanted to confirm devs have been having good experiences with location tracking on both devices. Are there any limitations like for example accuracy, latency (how long the system takes to know that someone has moved from some prior position). or any other issues.
Hi @davech, I have been using Google maps since Ionic 1.0 without any problems. The first call to getting the location tends to be lengthy so, I do that on app startup. However, none of these are Ionic, they are all due to mobile browser. Once that initial call is made, updating location is “quick” i.e. <1s although I do not have exact stats. Map integration for your stated high level use case should not be a problem.