How do I make an ion-chip with an ion-label in it float to the right side of the ion-toolbar?

How do I make an ion-chip with an ion-label in it float to the right side of the ion-toolbar?

In the below image I want the --LUNCH button to align to the right side of the page instead of resting under the title Monday.

      <ion-toolbar color="dark">
        <ion-title>My Title</ion-title>
          <ion-chip item-right="true" ion-button (click)="MyFanction()">
            <ion-label right="true" color="secondary">Label Of my Chip..</ion-label>

I looked through the docs… so far I have tried changing $chip-icon-text-align. I tried adding all of the following to both the label and the chip right=“true”, right, end, start, item-right, text-right, text-right… I also tried to change the style on the ion-chip element… No luck on that either…

I’m still kind of new to styling ionic components, any help would be great thanks!

Still not sure if there is an easy Ionic way of doing this so I just did it the CSS way… It will only work for Android unless I add custom CSS for each device…

I add a style with top: 10px; right: 10px; position: absolute; to the ion-chip element…

I noticed other components let you use things like start or end but could not get any of that functionality to work with the chip inside the toolbar…