How do I make an ion-chip with an ion-label in it float to the right side of the ion-toolbar?
In the below image I want the --LUNCH button to align to the right side of the page instead of resting under the title Monday.
<ion-toolbar color="dark">
<ion-title>My Title</ion-title>
<ion-chip item-right="true" ion-button (click)="MyFanction()">
<ion-label right="true" color="secondary">Label Of my Chip..</ion-label>
I looked through the docs… so far I have tried changing $chip-icon-text-align. I tried adding all of the following to both the label and the chip right=“true”, right, end, start, item-right, text-right, text-right… I also tried to change the style on the ion-chip element… No luck on that either…
I’m still kind of new to styling ionic components, any help would be great thanks!