I tried so many ways to do this although I’m sure it’s simple.
Used ngModel, Ng-Show, Ng-If. Nothing seems to get it working
How would you hide the ion-item and just showing ion-item-divider ?
I had a list of group.rayon and every one of them had some group.articles.
What I did is assign an auxiliar variable to every group.rayon and initialized as false. Whenever you tap on your ion-item-divider you change the auxiliar variable to true.
Then, in your item, add: <ion-item *ngIf = "group.rayon.auxiliarVariable == true"> You can omit the == true.
That way you’ll have a list of dividers and your content will be “toggleable”.
I had a similar issue with a list that could be generated by the user, with user-populated items and user-determined length. I created a Map<string,boolean>, where the string key was a unique ID of the item, and the boolean value translated to either visible or hidden. Then each item has ngIf="nameOfMap.get(item.id)" The toggle created a key/value pair if none existed yet, and set it to true or false as appropriate.
The MDN Javascript API recommends using Maps for collections instead of Objects, so I have more practice with Maps than maybe some Javascript programmers who didn’t read that section of that API. So applying a Map to this problem was “natural.”
RaulGM’s solution is fine – better than mine maybe – if you know exactly what the items in your list are, and you don’t expect them to change in a future update. With my solution, you pay extra in conceptual difficulty, and in return you get a solution that does not depend on the specifics of the list.