How can i store an image and text under the same unique id in firebase database?

Hi I’m new in ionic, I’m creating a car announce app in ionic 1 and firebase datatabase just for learning but its nearly 2 weeks i have a problem and i can’t find the solution.
When i open my Popup i have to fill some input text (brand,model,price,description…) at the end clicking the ok button open the camera ,take the pic and send all on firebase database, my problem is it create 2 differents unique id : 1 for the input text and 1 for the image.

'use strict';

    .controller('itemList', ['$scope', '$ionicPopup', '$http', '$firebaseArray', '$ionicModal', '$cordovaCamera', 'Auth', function ($scope, $ionicPopup, $http, $firebaseArray, $ionicModal, $cordovaCamera, Auth) {

        var rootRef = firebase.database().ref();
        $scope.items = $firebaseArray(rootRef.child('items'));
        var syncArray = $firebaseArray(rootRef.child('items'));
        //$scope.images = [];
        var max = 0;

        $scope.addItem = function () {
            var newItem = $scope.newItem = {id: max, 
                                            brand: "",
                                            model: "", 
                                            description: ""
            var itemTemplate = '<input type="text" placeholder="marque" ng-model="newItem.brand"><input type="text" placeholder="modele" ng-model="newItem.model"><input type="text" placeholder="prix" ng-model="newItem.price"><input type="text" placeholder="prix" ng-model="newItem.kilometers"><br/><input type="text" placeholder="username" ng-model="newItem.user.username"><input type="text" placeholder="télephone" ng-model=""><br/><textarea ng-model="newItem.description" placeholder="description"></textarea>';

            var myPopup = ${
                template: itemTemplate,
                title: 'ajouter une annonce',
                scope: $scope,
                buttons: [
                    { text: 'annuler' },
                        text: '<b>ajouter</b>',
                        type: 'button-positive',
                        onTap: function (e) {
                            if (!$scope.newItem.brand) {

                            } else {
                                max = max + 1;




        $scope.delete = function(id){

        $scope.getdetails = function(id){
          //  console.log("itemid",id);
            $scope.currentItem = id;
        $ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('js/views/item/one.html', {
            scope: $scope,
            animation: 'slide-in-up'
          }).then(function(modal) {
            $scope.modal = modal;
          $scope.closeModal = function() {

          $scope.takePicture = function() {
            var options = {
              quality: 75, // Qualité de l'image sauvée, valeur entre 0 et 100
              destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL,
              sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA,
              allowEdit: true,
              encodingType: Camera.EncodingType.JPEG, // Format d'encodage : JPEG ou PNG
              targetWidth: 300, // Largeur de l'image en pixel
              targetHeight: 300, // Hauteur de l'image en pixel
              saveToPhotoAlbum: false // Enregistrer l'image dans l'album photo du device
            $cordovaCamera.getPicture(options).then(function(imageData) {
                syncArray.$add({image: imageData}).then(function() {
                    alert("Image has been uploaded");
            }, function(error) {