How can i start my ionic android app immediately when the phone is switched on?

Hey there,

  Is there anything i need to add this app.js file to make this pin unlock app start automatically when the phone is switched on?

// Ionic Starter App

// angular.module is a global place for creating, registering and retrieving Angular modules
// ‘starter’ is the name of this angular module example (also set in a attribute in index.html)
// the 2nd parameter is an array of 'requires’
var exampleApp = angular.module(‘starter’, [‘ionic’])

.run(function($ionicPlatform) {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
// Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard
// for form inputs)
if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
if(window.StatusBar) {

exampleApp.controller(‘UnlockController’, function($scope, $location, $timeout,$ionicPopup) {

$scope.init = function() {
   $scope.pass = "";

$scope.add = function(value) {
        if($scope.passcode.length < 4) {
            $scope.pass = $scope.passc + value;
            var password = 1256;
            if(($scope.pass.length == 4) && ($scope.pass == password)) {
                var passReset = 'Do you want to reset password?';
                var quitApp = 'Quit';                    
                var alert = $ionicPopup.alert({
                    template: 'Successful Aunthentication!!',
                    buttons: [
                            text:'Reset Password', 
                            onTap: function(e){
                                passReset = 'Do you want to reset password?'; 
                                return true;
                            type: 'button-positive',
                            onTap: function(e){
                                quitApp = 'Quit'; 
                                return true;
                $timeout(function() {
                    console.log("The four digit code was entered");
                }, 500);
            }else if(($scope.pass.length == 4)){
                var alert = $ionicPopup.alert({
                    template: 'Invalid login attempt!!'

$scope.delete = function() {
     $scope.delete = function() {
        if($scope.pass.length > 0) {
            $scope.pass = $scope.pass.substring(0, $scope.pass.length - 1);
