How can I make an HTTP POST request to my server?

Hey there! I have implemented back-end for Ionic. Until then I tested my api using cURL from my Linux terminal. I used this command: curl --data "some=parameter&another=parameter&and=another&one=parameter" https://myserver/api/my/endpoint. So, how can I do that the same thing using Ionic? :slight_smile:

Also, please apologize my english. Iā€™m not native.

You should use a provider for this. You can read more info here:
This is a simple example of a http post for ionic:

import { Http, Response } from '@angular/http';

export class Api {

    constructor(public http: Http) {}

    post(apiUrl: string, data: any = {}) {
        return, JSON.stringify(data))
            .map((response: Response) => {
                return response.json();

I tried this, but it doesnā€™t work. Why? :frowning:

let postParams = {some:'some', another:'some'};"https://myserver/api/my/endpoint", JSON.stringify(postParams)).map((response: Response) => {

Check for errors you can use chrome dev tools to debug check the network tab.
You can also add in your code some error handling eg."https://myserver/api/my/endpoint", JSON.stringify(postParams)).map((response: Response) => {
.catch((error: Response) => {
 // handle errors here console.error(error)
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Still nothing. My server responding, which is good, butā€¦

My code:"http://myserver/api/my/endpoint", JSON.stringify(postParams)).subscribe(response => {
    return console.log(JSON.stringify(response));

And iā€™m getting this error:

ERROR Object { _body: "{"responseHttpCode":"400"}", status: 400, ok: false, statusText: "Bad Request", headers: Object, type: 2, url: "http://myserver/api/my/endpoint" }

My server responded with 400 HTTP error. That means, that my api canā€™t parse my POST fields (I didnā€™t send them):


How to fix this?

Whatā€™s your backend stack ?
Did you check the request headers url etc in chrome network tab is everything ok ?
Can you try again setting the headers

let headerOptions: any = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' };
let headers = new Headers(headerOptions);"https://myserver/api/my/endpoint", JSON.stringify(postParams), new RequestOptions({ headers: headers })).map((response: Response) => {
.catch((error: Response) => {
 // handle errors here console.error(error)

Donā€™t forget to import Headers, RequestOptions first

Thatā€™s not JSON. Use URLSearchParams. Incidentally, there is no need to manually stringify post bodies or set content type. Angular does that.

Can you provide example? I have no idea how this works. :confused:

Soā€¦ I Googled and found this (works ok):"", "firstname=Nic")
        .subscribe(data => {
            var alert = Alert.create({
                title: "Data String",
                subTitle: data.json().data,
                buttons: ["close"]
        }, error => {

Edited to my needs:"https://myserver/api/my/endpoint", "some=parameter&another=parameter&and=another&one=parameter").subscribe(data => {
}, error => {

ā€¦and my server responded but with error. The problem is my params (some=parameter&another=parameter&and=another&one=parameter"). With one parameter it works ok, but with more than one, itā€™s useless. :confused:

If you want to pass the params with this format you should use URLSearchParams as @rapropos
An example for your case:
let params = new URLSearchParams()
params.append(ā€˜someā€™, parameter); ā€¦ etc

Donā€™t forget to import URLSearchParams

Thanks guys. URLSearchParams works well. :slight_smile:

not work for me unable to send parameter response is wrong plz give me code.

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I am Also Struggle Post.Please help.