How can i change ion-slides height

i want to use height of 200px for ion-slides i have put ion-slide in a div which has height of 200px but problem is it is show extra space below slider, i want to remove that space. you can see red color is extra space below image. below preview is from ios simulator

here is my slider code

<div class="header-banner">
        <ion-slides class="home-slide" autoplay="3000" loop>
            <img src="" alt="">
            <img src="" alt="">
            <img src="" alt="">

here is my scss

page-home {

	.slide-zoom {
		// height:200px;
		height: 100%;
		// overflow:hidden;

anybody who can help me to solve this problem

Try adding this:

page-home {

	.slide-zoom {
		// height:200px;
		height: 100%;
		// overflow:hidden;

       ion-slides {
          height: 200px;
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@philipgriffin thanks for reply, after so many experiments at last fond solution, its image which is creating problem, Iā€™m using 400px width image which is casing problem on smaller screens, on screen > 350px it work fine on smaller screen it was creating problem because image adjusting its height accordingly, no i am using for mobile 500px width image height is 200px work fine for me no need to add height or min-heigh to containers its work fine below screen shot taken on 6s simulator you can see small red line i want keep this much space any way.