I want to create a button which by default shows ‘Add’ text on it and after click it should should ’ - 1 +’ by which the user can add or remove items via pressing on it
same as shown in below image
Any help would be highly appreciated
thanks in advance
for the button text you can use string interpolation lin html
<button (click)=‘changeme()’>{{mybuttontext}}>
in ts you initialize a variable and change it
let mybuttontext = 'Add +';
in click handler you do what ever you want
changeme() {
if (mybuttontext === 'Add +') {
this.mybuttontext = '- 1 +';
// some fancy things
else {
mybuttontext = 'Add +';
// do some stuff
or you wanna use a more dynamic approach with ngIf
<ng-container *ngIf="mybuttontext == 'Add +'; then add; else remove">
<ng-template #add>
<button (click)='add()'>Add +</button>
<ng-template #remove>
<button (click)='remove()'>- 1 +</button>
in ts then
let text = ‘Add +’;
`let mybuttontext = this.text;
add() {
this.mybuttontext = ’ something different to Add +’;
// do some stuff
remove() {
// change text back;
this.mybuttontext = this.text;
// do some stuff
Best regards, anna-liebt
Umm. Thank you for the quick response but my question not just to change the text but after user clicks on add the button changes into 2 button where user can click on ‘-’ to remove and on ‘+’ to add the items and the count should be in between.
Like the food items you add or remove shown in that button.
in between I change my answer to add dynamic html creation. Use this.
Put into ng-template any html content you want. In ngIf you can use any flag you want instead of a simple text.
Best regards, anna-liebt