Hide ionic tabs

Hi everyone,

manucorporat states that it’s super easy to hide ion-tab-bar when we want it, but I can’t find how. Is it done with css like this
document.querySelector('ion-tab-bar').style.display = 'none';
or is there a way doing it really programatically ?



I have the same question, nothing in the docs makes me think it’s not super easy at all.

AH, found some help in the Slack channel: https://ionic-worldwide.slack.com/archives/C08DV9NTY/p1563201306196100

you have to use your custom tabs html tags where you want just add and where you don’t want don’t use

I’m sorry but I do not understand: would you mind telling us what you mean by my

 "custom tabs html tags" 

that you say I have to use?

Do you mean just <ion-tabs>? I believe that in an Ionic (4+) application, <ion-tabs> can only be used once - one cannot use more than one <ion-tabs> in an Ionic (4+) application. If I am wrong on this assumption, then someone please correct me!

Is it possible to specify more clearly, please, what your solution is? Thanks!