Hi, I’m doing an application with ionic 1 and I’m using one signal for notifications, doing a security scan came the following vulnerabilities:
- App Sandbox Permission
- Java Hashs Code
- Unsafe random number generator
- SQLiteDatabase Transaction Deprecated Checking
That is in the files of the plugin of one signal for ionic 1
How could you fix these vulnerabilities?
Why, where, how?
The 4 things you listed don’t make too much sense without context…
Hi Sujan12, when I install one signal plugin in my cordova project and run a security test using a free tool, this tool show that this apk has the follow vulnerabilities (see pic), is there any way to prevent that vulnerabilities? what can I do to turn secure my apk?
Contact OneSignal if you have questions about their Cordova plugin. Usually, if you are a paying customer, these companies are happy to help.
Where do you get this report from?
I think all the “high” issues are bullshit in the context of OneSignal - and can be safely ignored.