I’ve updated an app from beta 6 to beta 7 and now get an issue when running gulp. I’ve tracked it down to gulp sass:
[18:10:07] Using gulpfile ~/Sites/app/gulpfile.js
[18:10:07] Starting 'sass'...
The value `` must be a color.
If you are setting the value as a map make sure
both the base and contrast are defined as colors.
For example:
$colors: (
primary: #327eff,
secondary: (base: #32db64, contrast: #000),
on line 80 of node_modules/ionic-angular/util/functions.scss
>> @error "
[18:10:07] Finished 'sass' after 317 ms
I’ve tried to comment out each of my pages’ files in the SASS import to see if that fixes it, but it still occurs.
Has anyone come across this?
UPDATE: Removing the following from node_modules/ionic-angular/util/functions.scss allows SASS to build, but there’s obviously something causing this. I’ll look further to see if it’s something in my CSS throwing the error.
@function color-error($color-value) {
@error "
The value `#{$color-value}` must be a color.
If you are setting the value as a map make sure
both the base and contrast are defined as colors.
For example:
$colors: (
primary: #327eff,
secondary: (base: #32db64, contrast: #000),
@return false;