Grid with borders

I’m using last Ionic 4 & angular 8
I’ve a very simple grid and i’d like to have borders like an excel for grid, rows 6 cols like this:
This is my code:

<ion-content padding class="tab5-content">
    <ion-row *ngFor="let item of data; index as i">
      <ion-col col-auto> {{ item.field1 }}</ion-col>
      <ion-col text-right> {{ item.field2 }}</ion-col>

I’ve trid with css but i’ve no found a solution
On Ionic Docs i’ve no found this very basic info :frowning:

Some help ?

probably a cleaner way…

.cell-class {
  border-color: black; 
  border-width: .01em; 
  border-style:solid; margin-bottom : -1px;
  background-color: lightgrey
	<ion-content padding class="tab5-content">
		<ion-grid style="">
			<ion-row *ngFor="let item of data; index as i" >
				<ion-col col-auto class="cell-class"> {{ item.field1 }}</ion-col>
				<ion-col text-right  class="cell-class" style="margin-left : -1px">
           {{ item.field2 }}

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Hello Here working example:


  public data = [
      field1: "test1",
      field2: "test2"
      field1: "test1",
      field2: "test2"
    }, {
      field1: "test1",
      field2: "test2"
    , {
      field1: "test1",
      field2: "test2"
      field1: "test1",
      field2: "test2"


      <ion-col class="bgcolor" size="6" text-center><b>A</b></ion-col>
      <ion-col class="bgcolor" size="6" text-center><b>B</b></ion-col>
    <ion-row *ngFor="let item of data; index as i">
      <ion-col size="6" text-center> {{ item.field1 }}</ion-col>
      <ion-col size="6" text-center> {{ item.field2 }}</ion-col>


.bgcolor {
  background: #cdcfd6;

ion-col {
  border: 2px solid #aeb7ca;


Hope this help you