Grid menu not showing items properly

I’m trying to have a menu that show the items in grid menu

but it’s showing the same items like this:

here is my code:

        <ion-row *ngFor="let item of items" (click)="itemSelected(item)">
            <ion-col col-6>
                <img [src]="item.image" alt="">
            <ion-col col-6>
                <img [src]="item.image" alt="">

and the other code where i have the items

items = [ { image: "", name: 'item1', }, { image: "", name: 'item2', }, { image: "", name: 'item3', }, { image: "", name: 'item4', } ];

i find the solution and it was very simple :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

i just moved

*ngFor="let item of items" (click)="itemSelected(item)"

from ion-row in ion-col and now it shows like this