Hey everyone,
anyone knows how to use “phonegap-launch-navigator” or “cordova-plugin-directions” correctly with Ionic?
I tried both, but they don’t work. I press the button and Google Maps don’t start. I’m using it on an Android device.
<a class="button button-stable" ng-click="navigate()">
$scope.navigate = function() {
// var posOptions = {timeout: 10000, enableHighAccuracy: false};
// $cordovaGeolocation
// .getCurrentPosition(posOptions)
// .then(function (position) {
// $scope.position = position;
// // Smartphone Koordinaten
// var destination = [
// $scope.position.coords.latitude,
// $scope.position.coords.longitude
// ];
// // Ziel Koordinaten
// var start = [
// $scope.LatLng.lat,
// $scope.LatLng.lng
// ];
// console.log(destination);
// console.log(start);
// launchnavigator.navigate(
// destination,
// start,
// function(){
// alert("Plugin success");
// },
// function(error){
// alert("Plugin error: "+ error);
// },
// {
// navigationMode: "maps"
// }
// );
// });