Google Maps issue - Ionic 2 -Unhandled Promise rejection: PositionError {code: 2, message: "Network location provider at '' : Returned error code 400."}

trying to implement google maps inside ionic 2 on chrome in windwos 10.

polyfills.js:3 Unhandled Promise rejection: PositionError {code: 2, message: “Network location provider at ‘’ : Returned error code 400.”}code: 2message: "Network location provider at ‘’ : Returned error code 400."proto: PositionError ; Zone: ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: PositionError {code: 2, message: “Network location provider at ‘’ : Returned error code 400.”} undefined

Went through 2 tutorials

and this one

Both getting me to the same point of map not being presented at the end.

The first one even worked for a while including locations and all.

Other than that at the google dev center I see that i didn’t use all the queries per day… Seems that is should be working.

Any idea how to resolve it?