While attempting to use the Cordova File Transfer plugin and I could not obtain the app data folder without some difficulty.
- When using “cordova.file.dataDirectory” I received the error “cannot find name ‘cordova’”
- Tried ‘typings install cordova’ with some luck. Received the error “no property File on type Cordova”
- Included ‘declare var cordova;’ at the top of my provider to override the typings. Works now.
Everything works but have I done this correctly? Seemed like a lot of work for something that should be trivial:
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Are you using ionic-native?
Using ionic-native for both “File” (cordova-plugin-file) and “Transfer” (cordova-plugin-file-transfer). As far as I can tell from the github repo, there is nothing similar to cordova.file.dataDirectory. Am I wrong?
My bad. Should be mainstreamed within a week or so, but if you would like to try it now, my implementation of the file plugin should have what you are looking for.
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Wow great, it’s already on your branch. Thanks!
I am trying to use cordova.file.dataDirectory but my class can’t seem to recognise the variable despite importing File and Cordova from ionic-native. I am using the latest ionic 2 beta version (^1.3.9)
Is there anything else I need to do to get it to work apart from importing File, Cordova from ionic-native?
Many Thanks in advance.
it will not work on the browser unless you mock it: