Getting data in JSON Array with slash( '\')

I’m getting data in ionic 2 through call service and getting o/p but It is returns data with slash
My code is here and I have to display data in drop down also

        .subscribe(data => {
            // = JSON.stringify(data);
        err => {
            alert("Error : " + err);

Did you tried to map your response into json format before Subscribing?

It doesn’t make sense to call JSON.stringify() on a Response object in the first place, but when you stringify a string, things get escaped.

I used map before this but it showing an error ’ property map does not exist on observable '…So I tried with this .I used map using following code

import { Http, Response, Headers, RequestOptions} from ‘@angular/http’;
import ‘rxjs/add/operator/map’;

      this.http.get('') .map(data => {
            // = JSON.stringify(data);
        err => {
            alert("Error : " + err);

but It throws error

I’m working with ionic 2 is first time for me…So I’m trying to call Web API
So I want to see data which comes from server and for that I alert it using JSON.strignify()
If this is wrong way then please suggest me how can I do that

You have to map the response into json() format before subscribing the data. Check out the below code.

        .map((response: Response) => response.json())
        .subscribe(data => {
            // = JSON.stringify(data);
        err => {
            alert("Error : " + err);

Let me know how it will go…

        .subscribe(data => {
            // = JSON.stringify(data);
            this.discountTypes = data.json().Data;
        err => {
            alert("Error : " + err);