Get value of select dynamically created

I have the following code:

            <ion-select placeholder="País..." [formControl]="authForm.controls['country_code']">
              <ion-option *ngFor="let countries of country">
                {{countries.country_name}} ({{countries.dialling_code}})

Where country is a JSON like this:

    country = [
    { "country_code": "AL", "country_name": "Albania", "dialling_code": "+355" },
    { "country_code": "DZ", "country_name": "Algeria", "dialling_code": "+213" }];

And what I want is to get country_code property but all I get is the next object:

{firstname: "asdas", lastname: "asdas", country_code: "↵                Albania (+355)↵              ", gender: "m"}

which value you want to get country name or dialing code ?

Actually, country_code

You can try like this

            <ion-select  [(ngModel)]="countrycode" #countrycode (ionChange)="getcountrycode(countrycode.value)" placeholder="País..." [formControl]="authForm.controls['country_code']">
               <ion-option *ngFor="let countries of country" [value] = "countries.dialling_code">
                {{countries.country_name}} ({{countries.dialling_code}})


on Page.ts

getcountrycode(countrycodeValue) {

I hope your problem will be fixed
Good Luck
Thank you.