Get a value with column name in Ionic 3 with FireBase

I used the following code block to fetch only a row of data;

db.database.ref('/User/').orderByChild('uID').equalTo(this.uID).once('value', (snapshot) => {

Here is the output;


But if I wanted to get email value like this;

db.database.ref('/User/').orderByChild('uID').equalTo(this.uID).once('value', (snapshot) => {

It says this value is undefined.

You can do 1 or more of at least these 3 options.

  1. Use angularFire2 to greatly simplify
  2. Create a custom interface to assign that value to
  3. snapshot.val()['email']

I recommend combining 1 and 2

db.database.ref('/User/').orderByChild('uID').equalTo(this.uID).once('value', (snapshot) => {
        snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
          return false;

This works fine

I posted the solution, thanks :slight_smile: