Geolocation is not working on iOS

It works great with Android device, but it doesn’t seems to work with iOS. I’ve tried with a ios simulator. Even if location is activated for my app, itr doesn’t work.

Can you open the dev-tools and take a look there?

Once the dev tools are open, you’ll need to hit cmd-r to reload them in order to see the error.

Here’s the log of xcode

2016-07-26 18:02:54.149 Doctr Assistant[99176:25786349] Resetting plugins due to page load.
2016-07-26 18:02:54.675 Doctr Assistant[99176:25786349] ERROR Internal navigation rejected - not set for url=‘about:blank’
2016-07-26 18:02:54.679 Doctr Assistant[99176:25786349] ERROR Internal navigation rejected - not set for url=‘Stripe Internal Communication Channel
2016-07-26 18:02:55.070 Doctr Assistant[99176:25786349] Finished load of: file:///Users/jean-philippefong/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/69EE427C-C268-4436-AB59-01EE888F1D28/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/72804821-5E50-43B6-8F70-769A972C2D0F/
2016-07-26 18:02:55.141 Doctr Assistant[99176:25786349] DEVICE READY FIRED AFTER 416 ms
2016-07-26 18:02:55.152 Doctr Assistant[99176:25786349] ERROR: Error registering for Apple push notifications. Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3010 “REMOTE_NOTIFICATION_SIMULATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED_NSERROR_DESCRIPTION” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=REMOTE_NOTIFICATION_SIMULATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED_NSERROR_DESCRIPTION}
2016-07-26 18:03:26.782 Doctr Assistant[99176:25786349] locationManager::didFailWithError (null)
2016-07-26 18:03:27.208 Doctr Assistant[99176:25786349] THREAD WARNING: [‘GoogleMaps’] took ‘358.587891’ ms. Plugin should use a background thread.
2016-07-26 18:03:27.867 Doctr Assistant[99176:25786349] Google Maps SDK for iOS version: 1.13.23885.0
2016-07-26 18:03:27.867 Doctr Assistant[99176:25786349] New version of Google Maps SDK for iOS available: 2.0.25803.0

There’s no error on the safari dev tools